Solutions for manufacturers

A platform developed specifically to automate your B2B sales and customer training, while integrating your management tools.

An employee of a manufacturing company responsible for packaging products holds a box in his hands.

Optimize your processes with a portal designed for manufacturers

Increase the productivity of your production and sales teams.


Simplify the made-to-order (MTO) process

Customize products to exact customer specifications using a product configurator.


Automated ordering process

Reduce the number of manual tasks to be performed by the sales team in connection with quotation or order taking, with automated transmission to production.


Improved B2B and B2C customer service

Increased customer autonomy thanks to a portal enabling them to track the progress of their orders and receive training in the use of purchased products.

A complete shopping experience


Sales of simple or configurable products

Optimize your sales channels by offering your simple or customizable products directly to your consumers and distributors via a single portal.

Simple product sales

Sell to all your B2B customers on a single platform, using customer groups to manage multiple price lists and different payment and delivery methods.

Configurable product sales

Offer the possibility of assembling an item using a 2D or 3D product configurator (CPQ), choosing from a wide range of parameters such as colors, models, styles and materials.


Automatically determine the right product quantities and parts to meet your customers' specific needs, using a calculator integrated into your portal.


Online training on products sold

A variety of training resources to help your customers learn how to use your products in the best possible way.

Video and 3D training

Video and 3D training explaining the specific operation of your products, enabling customers to use and maintain them optimally, while reducing the risk of operating errors.

Content and documentation sharing

Make digital documentation available on your portal, such as user and maintenance manuals for your equipment. Reduce your impact on the environment by reducing the amount of paper used by you and your customers.

Customer assessment and certification

Ensure that your customers are using your equipment correctly, and that they have assimilated as much information as possible during their training. In this way, you can build lasting relationships with your customers and strengthen your company's reputation as a quality supplier.


Cross-selling and customer experience

Generate additional revenue through the sale of spare parts and complementary products, while ensuring ongoing customer satisfaction.

Spare parts sales

Enable your customers to order parts directly from your portal to repair your products. You can also use your training courses to suggest products to purchase for optimum maintenance of your equipment.

Sale of complementary products

Increase your sales by offering complementary products when customers add products to their shopping carts, as well as during the training courses you offer. At the same time, you'll improve customer satisfaction, as they'll be able to find everything they need in just a few clicks.

Customer satisfaction survey

A powerful tool for understanding and evaluating your customers' overall experience. Create customized surveys and obtain essential information to improve the quality of your products and services.

Reduce your impact on the environment

By encouraging preventive maintenance and repair of your equipment, your company can increase the longevity of its products and reduce its environmental footprint.


This approach reduces the amount of waste produced and the need for new raw materials, aligning your company with eco-responsible values while meeting growing demands for sustainable products.

An immersive 3D experience

Bring static images to life and communicate complex information and procedures to your customers more effectively with a 3D viewer integrated into your portal.

3D training

Using 3D viewers as a tool for training customers in the handling of more complex equipment offers an interactive, realistic and engaging approach. Customers can virtually explore equipment, learn procedures and simulate practical scenarios, accelerating learning and boosting their confidence in the correct use of equipment.

3D product configurator

This technological tool enables you to present a product in realistic detail, allowing users to rotate it, enlarge it, view it from different angles and modify it. Your customers will be able to change options and parameters to customize product colors and dimensions.

Explore all our customizable modules

A set of modules meticulously developed to offer manufacturing companies a complete range of solutions tailored to their specific needs.


API integration

Connect your portal to your other systems

Link your supply chain management, production and logistics systems to create a seamless working environment. Optimize planning, production tracking and inventory management with a real-time view of your processes.

  • Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
  • Accounting system

A team dedicated to advancing your manufacturing business

We understand the specific needs of manufacturers. We are used to managing and optimizing complex technological ecosystems and voluminous databases.


Simplify your manufacturing and distribution processes with a solution integrated into your operations

  • Order creation

    The customer, whether an individual or a company, places the order directly on your customer portal, according to the specific terms and conditions associated with their customer group.

  • Automated order transmission to ERP

    As soon as an order is placed on your platform, essential details are automatically transferred to your ERP using an API connection, eliminating tedious manual tasks and reducing the risk of data entry errors.

    This real-time synchronization ensures seamless order management, saving your team time and improving the accuracy of your operations.

  • Custom manufacturing

    The production team can now manufacture a product according to the customer's specific requirements. Standardized order taking facilitates the distribution of the work to be done, thereby increasing team productivity.

  • Order assembly and delivery

    Integrating other technological solutions, such as your delivery logistics platform, into your customer portal enables you to optimize your delivery drivers' routes. You can also notify customers of their order status and delivery status.

Looking for other solutions to efficiently manage your teams?

Two employees consulting their company's employee portal on a cell phone and a tablet.

Employee portal

A platform dedicated to structuring training and communications between your company and your employees

Employees monitoring their organization's strategic planning using an online dashboard.

Strategic plan monitoring tool

A SaaS platform with all the functionalities you need for strategic planning, work plan tracking and results measurement.

Resources for manufacturers

Articles written for you


5 benefits for manufacturers of having a product configurator

21 August 2023

Are you looking for solutions to adapt your products to your customers' specific needs? Find out how a product configurator can help you achieve this goal by offering your users an optimized and unique experience.

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Why integrate a 3D viewer into your customer portal?

14 August 2023

Implementing a 3D viewer into your technology platform could dramatically improve the customer experience. Explore the benefits this technology can bring to your organization.

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Manufacturers: Subsidies and financial assistance to make your digital shift a success

14 JANUARY 2022

Did you know that it is possible to finance the creation and improvement of your customer portal? Here's a directory of several organizations that offer financing in the form of grants or loans to manufacturing companies wishing to go digital. * Article in french only

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Digital optimization of your manufacturing process

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